Saturday, December 31, 2005

As these things do unfold

There'll come a day
When you will say -
"I've met the Woman of My Dreams"

A smile will lie
This soul will sigh -
"I've lost the Man of Mine"


marianna qi said...

my soul has breathed a thousand sighs, but my smile has only lied for one.

DS Irvin said...

i saw the name of this blog and i had to stop by...

I've written hundreds of poems about zephyrs, so I had to laugh. I also wrote one about conquer and concur, however i also had demur in there. (I was on something too :-)

. said...

Ok Done, I read all your poems in the blog! nice work.


zee said...

im speechless.

but hey, even dreams can get boring - so look forward to the next sweet dream.